Our Story
Our story so far.
Why we're here
InclineRx® began with first hand experience and took shape out of a need, and a question.
Aimée Jacobson, founder.
Growing up, our mother had an Incliner (a vintage slantboard/low angle inversion table) in our living room that she used every day to manage her varicose veins. I never thought much of it until I returned to the workplace after taking a career break to parent.
It was a startling experience being so sedentary at the computer all day and an eye-opening realization that this was the new normal. Seeing a sea of heads in half-wall cubicles jutted towards their computer screens with furrowed brows, I remember thinking - How can I do this without it taking a huge toll on my body and how can WE as a society do this day in and day out and retain our health—physical and mental?
A few years into this sedentary work life, despite my usual daily exercise, my legs ached, the veins in my legs and feet became more pronounced, my lower back hurt, and I felt fatigued. My mom loaned me her Incliner and within a few weeks, I felt like myself again. They'd gone out of production some 30 years ago, so I couldn’t find one to buy. I joked about making them, and a few years later, I couldn’t get the idea out of my head and knew I had to do it...as if a baton was being passed to me.
Out of this, InclineRx was born.
Lull is designed David Ryan, a designer with a lifetime of experience creating furniture for the human body.
David Ryan, designer.
Our designer, David Coleridge Ryan, was born in Wales, he is an artist, designer, engineer, teacher and poet. His creative work includes industrial design, appropriate technology, painting and poetry.
His design experience covers a wide range of projects in many countries including the UK, Holland, Algeria, USA, Japan, and Ecuador as a volunteer, designing simple farm tools for disadvantaged campesino communities. He also worked in Milan, Italy, where he collaborated with his friend and mentor Enzo Mari on projects for Kartell. He has received many design awards including; the Lighting Prize for his Delft lamps at Interieur 94, Belgium; a Design Distinction in the ID Annual Review and a Good Design award from the Chicago Atheneum for the Rover series of seating; two Gold Awards for furniture from the IDSA, one for LeanToo and the other for the Light Lounge.
His work has been exhibited at the Design Centre London, the Chicago Athenaeum, Manchester City Art Gallery, the Tacoma Art Museum, and has been featured in many publications, including; The Best of British Product Design, New and Notable Product Design, Design Magazine, ID magazine, Design Issues, Arcade, and Innovation Magazine which featured the LeanToo perch on the front cover.
David has worked with many international clients including Herman Miller, Steelcase, Muji, Metro Furniture, Starbucks and Knoll.
More on David can be found here.
The design and development process
Our desire is to positively contribute to one's sense of wellbeing—body, mind and spirit. We've designed and developed Lull to be an experience - an emotional interaction where every detail has been carefully considered for the human body. To allow for ease of use. Intuitive, simple, comfortable.
We've approached furniture from a wellness point of view. To be central in one's life, rather than an aid on the periphery.